Posts Tagged ‘turnover’

Rochambeau Continued

April 29, 2008

Here is the second part of yesterday’s post. Hope it’s helpful!   

3)     Let your employees see how they really look. Have you ever given a speech or performance, and then watched a recording later, only to be shocked at how you looked? I personally have a tell-tale “you don’t know what you’re talking about” expression that I make without even knowing.  It’s been pointed out to me several times, but until I actually recorded it on SureSpeak and saw it, I didn’t realize what a jerk I can be. Not that your employees are jerks…but some of them certainly have gestures and expressions that don’t convey what they are trying to get across.  Let employees notice their own flaws first.

4)      Allow senior employees to mentor junior employees without taking time away from their duties. This is one of the best universal training methods…if it can be done in a way that maximizes the time of both employees. Well, if the new employee could record their sales presentation to have a senior employee later review and score it, wouldn’t that be great? No one’s day is interrupted, and the senior employee might just remember a few things they have forgotten since their own new hire training.

5)      Simple. Practice makes perfect.  Cliché…yes. But clichés are clichés for a reason. Good athletes practice more than bad athletes. Why wouldn’t the same be true for communication?


So, when you look at your company’s bottom line and see how much you’re spending in training, how long it’s taking employees to get fully ramped up and how much you’re losing in turnover, is it a number with which you’re ok? Or could it use some improvement? Go ahead and throw out a couple hands of rock-paper-scissors to decide. If it’s not a number you like, contact us at